One question I received is:
How to manifest large sums of money? I’m going to assume large amounts of money ranging from $1,000 and up. If this sounds like something you want to start manifesting into your life, read on!
This is one of my favorite topics when it comes to manifesting money so I’m happy to share this post with you today
We are going to talk about different methods and strategies to help you manifest large sums of money. This list is in no particular order of importance. Just choose whatever methods work for you.
How To Start Manifesting Large Amounts Of Money
1. Start off by manifesting small amounts of money
Before you start to manifest large amounts of money you need to first, manifest smaller amounts. This helps create a belief system in your subconscious to help you manifest money smoothly. Think of it as short term income goals. You start by manifesting small amounts of money and work your way up to bigger amounts. Your brain would then start to believe in your ability to manifest money because, at that point, the proof has been developed for your mind to believe.
Let’s say you want to manifest $5000 a month from your small business. If you are used to making $1000 a month, your mind will never believe in your ability to make anything over that amount. The reason being is that even if you affirm to yourself ” I am making $5,000 a month. ” Your mind won’t believe it because it’s not used to seeing your money grow to that amount. That’s why it’s important to manifest income levels in between your ultimate money goal. Doing so allows you to exercise your manifesting abilities and can help boost morale when it comes to achieving your goal.
For example, let’s say you want to manifest making $10k a month. Start with $1,000 a month. Once that is manifested, move up to $1,500 or $2,000 and keep manifesting until you have reached $10k. At this point, you will have mastered manifesting money to the point where it comes easy and naturally to you.
2. Make it fun! Manifest money randomly
Similar to the point made above, except this time, try manifesting money coming into your life randomly. This can include finding money on the ground, someone giving you money, receiving an item for free, or randomly winning money.
This is a fun way to exercise your manifesting abilities in a stress-free way. Just imagine money finding its way to you as if you were a money magnet and see how money comes to you. You can also view these as signs that what you trying to manifest is coming to the surface. You can do this as often as you like but after, start attracting larger amounts of money to you.
The purpose of this and the point made above is to get your mind use to the idea of attracting money. This is essentially helpful for people who are new to using the Law Of Attraction.
3. Be grateful for whatever amount of money that comes into your life.
With the Law Of Attraction, gratitude plays a big factor in manifesting what you want in life. You won’t be open to receive more money into your life if you’re not grateful for the money you have now. The same goes for if you don’t appreciate small amounts of money that enters your life. Open yourself to abundance and abundance will flow through you. Be thankful for the $100 increase in your salary or the dollar you find on the floor. Whatever money that comes your way, be grateful for it.
4. Be aware of any signs that your money manifestations are coming
Be in touch with the signs the universe gives you when it comes to manifesting money. This will allow you to keep faith that what you’re manifesting is coming to you. This is especially helpful when you feel discouraged about your manifesting efforts. Signs usually appear when you need to see them the most.
Common money signs would be finding money on the floor, randomly receiving money, new bill amounts that were smaller than expected, money is owed quicker then expected, or anything that is given out for free.
Once you start to see signs appear, trust that these are all messages from the universe telling you that what you want is coming to you.
Must Watch - Secret Way to Manifest Money in Next 24 Hours or Less.
5. Think of the feelings you’ll feel once you’ve attracted the amount of money you want and live those feelings
Act as if you have the money you want to manifest. I’m not telling you to fake it until you make it. What I am saying is to embody the emotion that the amount of money will make you feel. For example, if manifesting $5,000 relieved stress-free, try to act relieved or stress-free now, even though you don’t have the money you want. Objects, such as money, have no power over the emotions or experiences you choose to feel. If you want to be relaxed now, you technically don’t need money to feel that way. Money may help you feel more relaxed, especially if you’re stressed about it. However, the key to feeling relaxed (or any emotion) is determined by you!
You’re subconscious doesn’t know the difference between real life and imagination. If you embody the feeling as if you already have the money, life will formulate itself to make it so. To make what you’re feeling makes sense. The universe will start to push you towards the thing you want to justify your thoughts and feelings. This will allow you to attract the money you want quicker.
6. Let go of how that money will manifest into your life.
To manifest the amount of money you want, you have to let go of figuring out how to do so. I’m not telling you to no take action, of course, to manifest money, certain actions may be required. You need to approach your actions in a calm manner. Just because you have no idea how to achieve the money you want, doesn’t mean that you need to take action now. Take any type of action that aligns with the feeling money can give you. Once you figure out certain actions to take, create habits around those actions. However, don’t be glued to those actions, if something doesn’t work or stops working, don’t give up, just change your approach, but don’t change your objective.
You don’t need to know all the details, just know what you want and the universe will figure it out within its divine timing when the money will come to you. If you try to piece together how you’ll manifest money, you set a limit yourself in other ways of obtaining money. Be open to receiving the money you want in any shape or form. This will create a feeling of abundance within yourself, thus allowing more abundance to flow through you.
7. Practice money affirmations daily
Stay in the right state of mind when it comes to money by practicing money affirmations
This helps you emit positive energy towards money. The more positive money programs you embed into your subconscious, the faster money will appear in your life. You do this through repetitions, which is why affirmations are so powerful. You can practice them by saying the affirmations over and over out loud or in your head. Or you can write it down or script about it
8. Make sure you have a positive or neutral relationship with money.
Money is energy. You may or may not have heard that phrase but it’s true. Money is just paper and object, nothing more than that. What value it has is determined on you and what money can and won’t do for you... The energy you give to money creates the perceived reality you have with money. If you believe money is hard to come by, you’ll never receive money. Or if you believe building wealth is easy, it will be easy.
If you want to manifest more money, you have to have either a positive or neutral relationship with money. Because money is nor good or bad. How you label money, will reveal your relationship with money. Saying things like ” Money doesn’t grow on trees” will show that you have a negative relationship with money. Thus little to no money will come to you. You’ll be living in the reality that money doesn’t grow on trees. However, if you say things like ” I have an unlimited source of income,” Money will come into your life quickly and effortlessly.
Must Watch- Manifest Money with Scared Sound Method!
9. Start lightly preparing for that money to come into your life.
Think of the money that’s coming your way and prepare for its arrival. I’m not saying go out on a massive shopping spree and spend everything you have because you know money is coming to you. Spending money you don’t have will create the result in the lack of money which will then repel money.
Start preparing for the money to come in creative ways. For those who are using the Law of Attraction to manifest money, you probably know that you must act as if you have what you already have the money you needed for it to work. However, I’m not telling you to go spend your entire paycheck because you trust in the universe’s abilities to get you money. Doing so would remind your mind about the money you don’t have, which will make manifesting money difficult.
What I want you to do is physically prepare for what the money will make you feel, and what it can buy you. Don’t think about the physical money itself, only focus on embodying what money can make you feel and experience. Will obtaining the money make you feel fulfilled because you can finally start that business you always wanted to start? Starting doing things that will make you feel fulfilled now and prepare for the business you want to start regardless of the amount of money you have now. Think of business names for your business, think of all the things you need to buy and make a shopping list. Do whatever you can to prepare for the physical thing money can give you. The more energy you put to what you want, the more likely it will manifest into your world.
looking to manifest large amounts of money in your life? Have you done so already? If no, then you must try this money manifestation method which helps you to manifest money fast.